Congratulations to our students who earned a spot on the Honor Roll for the Fall 2023 semester!
"A" Honor Roll
GRADE NAME Grade School
9 Akstins; Caroline St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Amaro; Madyson St. Catherine
9 Angeles; Anahi Queen of the Universe
9 Antunez; Thomas Liberty Jr High (Burbank)
9 Araiza; Aaron Academy for Global Citizens
9 Aranda; Katelynn St. Bede the Venerable
9 Arceo; Analin Our Lady of the Snows
9 Arias; Vivienne Michael M. Byrne
9 Banaszak; Theodore Wilkins Jr High
9 Banda; Jack Kolmar Elementary School
9 Bania; Michael Kinzie Elementary
9 Bartling; Annabeth St. George
9 Becerra; Daniella St. Bede the Venerable
9 Bennett; Jaidyn Bridgeport Catholic Academy
9 Benson; James Montesorri ( Lemont )
9 Bertalmio; Maggie Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
9 Bessette; Nathan OLHMS
9 Booker; Nevaeh St. Ethelreda
9 Brown; Geoffrey Mark Twain Elementary
9 Brubaker; Olivia Michael M. Byrne
9 Burke; Je'Naay Learn Hunter Perkins
9 Cabada; Valeria Pope John Paul II
9 Camarena; Alejandro Liberty Jr High (Burbank)
9 Campagna; Sophia St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Celani; Kendal Peckwas Prep
9 Chauca; Analia St. Albert the Great
9 Chavez; Julian Our Lady of the Snows
9 Cordin; Mary St. Gabriel
9 Cruz; Anthony St. Patricia
9 Czyz; Emily St. Patricia
9 Davis; Jannah St. Ethelreda
9 Davitto Aguilar; Daniel Kerr Middle School
9 De Santiago; Samantha Our Lady of the Snows
9 Delejewski; Leah Central Middle School (Tinley)
9 Diaz; Adrian St. Mary Star of the Sea
9 Diaz; Lia St. Bede the Venerable
9 Dominguez; Valerie George Washington Middle School
9 Doorhy; Campbell Most Holy Redeemer
9 Ducar; Isabel St. Christina
9 Duggan; Kevin St. Gerald
9 Duria; Taylor Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
9 Escalante; Nataly Saint Frances of Rome
9 Escott; Carlos St. Bede the Venerable
9 Flores; Aaliyah Prairieview School
9 Flores; Brianna St. Odilo
9 Flores; Marco Mariano Azuela
9 Flores; Nadia Liberty Junior High
9 Forbes; Caitlyn Arbor Park Middle School
9 Fron; Kristopher St. Michael
9 Garcia; Andres LaSalle II School
9 Garcia; Fernanda Wilkins Jr High
9 Garcia; Josue St. Cletus
9 Gentile; Madelyn St. Cletus
9 Gibbons; Emma Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
9 Giblin; Fiona Summit Hill Jr High
9 Gil; Fernanda Nathan Hale Elementary
9 Glowacki; Malena St. Albert the Great
9 Gonzalez; Alonso Academy for Global Citizens
9 Gonzalez; Elizabeth Queen of the Universe
9 Gonzalez; Gavin St. Christina
9 Gonzalez; Prajna St. Therese Chinese
9 Goo; Adam St. Nicholas of Tolentine
9 Green; Rocky Wilkins Jr High
9 Gutierrez; Paola St. Nicholas of Tolentine
9 Harris; Grace OLHMS
9 Haynes; Carlene
9 Heidorn; Owen St. Catherine
9 Herman; Olive Michael M. Byrne
9 Hernandez; Alejandro St. Richard
9 Hernandez; Jacob St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Hernandez; Manuel Namaste Charter School
9 Herrera; Isabella St. Mary Star of the Sea
9 Howard; Kayla St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Hughes; Victoria Michael M. Byrne
9 Humphrey; Delia St. Catherine
9 Hynes; Lily St John of the Cross
9 Jacobo; Diego St. Nicholas of Tolentine
9 Jameson; Kyleigh Ashburn Elementary
9 Janczy; Anthony St. Patricia
9 Jimenez; Madison Mt. Greenwood
9 Jones; Chloe Cassell
9 Karczewski; Lucas St. John the Cross
9 Kavanaugh; Margaret Cardinal Joseph Bernadin
9 Kelly; Morgan St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Kelly; Nathan St. Albert the Great
9 Kirchhardt; Liam John C. Dore
9 Kolman; Evangeline Conrady Jr High
9 Krizka; Landen Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
9 Labrador; Mia John C. Dore
9 Lagunas; Fernando Hernandez Middle School
9 Lagunas; Mia St. Mary Star of the Sea
9 Leahy; John Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
9 Lewis; Destin Lincoln Middle School
9 Lomeli; Elena Nathan Hale Elementary
9 Lopez-Flores; Alexa Hernandez Middle School
9 Lopez; Alex St. Albert the Great
9 Lopez; Xantana St. Patricia
9 Lotus; Ryan Mt. Greenwood
9 Luna; Allison Epiphany
9 Luna; Giselle Hernandez Middle School
9 Malloy; Joseph St. Michael
9 Marquez; Maven Our Lady of Charity
9 Martinez; Aubrey St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Martinez; Evely George Washington Middle School
9 Marusarz; Hannah Central Middle School (Tinley)
9 Maze; Angelina St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Mazur; Ellocin Nathan Hale Elementary
9 McCall; Isabella Cassell Elementary
9 McCarty; Declan St. Michael
9 McNamara; Aine St. Barnabas
9 McNulty; Aiden John C. Dore
9 McShane; Seamus St. Catherine
9 Melendez; Kiara St. Frances of Rome
9 Mendez; Natalie Mt. Greenwood
9 Mendoza; Nathan St. Mary Star of the Sea
9 Montoya; Maya John C. Dore
9 Moore; Cole Cassell Elementary
9 Moore; Lucy St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Mora; Sofia St. Nicholas of Tolentine
9 Moran; Tessa St. Linus
9 Mulligan; Jenna St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Nasti; Gianna St. Albert the Great
9 Nunez; Ingri St. Damian
9 Ochoa; Antonio St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Okoye; Maureen H.H. Conrady Junior High
9 Olsen; Todd Michael M. Byrne
9 Panther; Evan Simmons Middle School
9 Pedraza; Noah Academy for Global Citizens
9 Perez; Aidiliz St. Richard
9 Perez; Analise St. Agnes of Bohemia
9 Perry; Megan Mt. Greenwood
9 Pienta; Daniel Cassell Elementary
9 Pintado; Adrian St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Polak; Nathan St. Albert the Great
9 Probo; Franco St. Agnes of Bohemia
9 Ramirez; Maiya Freedom Middle School
9 Ramos; Arianna St. Alexander
9 Rangel; Marisol St. Bede the Venerable
9 Rey; Dominic St Daniel the Prophet
9 Reyes Torres; Leslie St. Agnes of Bohemia
9 Reyna; Jakub St. Leonard
9 Rice; Sean Bednarcik Jr High
9 Rivera Jr; Cesar Joseph E. Gary Elementary
9 Rivera; Araceli Fairfield Academy
9 Rizzo; Meghan John C. Dore
9 Rodriguez; Jovan Our Lady of Charity
9 Romano; Leah St Daniel the Prophet
9 Rosado; Stephanie Mt. Greenwood
9 Ross; Finnian Sutherland
9 Rueda; Jazline St. Richard
9 Ruiz; Isaiah St. Gerald
9 Rzadkosz; Paul Conrady Jr High
9 Salazar; Isabel St. Agnes of Bohemia
9 Sanchez; Hilario Stevenson Middle School
9 Sanchez; Yarely Acero School - SPC Daniel Zizumbo
9 Scumaci; Maya St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Seddon; Raegan Liberty Jr High (New Lenox)
9 Serrano; Leonel St. Procopius
9 Sobrevilla; Sasha St. Barnabas
9 Solis; Joshua Nathan Hale Elementary
9 Soto; Lilyana St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Soukup; Allie St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Spataro; Ava Nathan Hale Elementary
9 Stibich; Savannah Mt. Greenwood
9 Suhail; Omar St. Nicholas of Tolentine
9 Szeliga; Kamil St. Albert the Great
9 Szymusiak; Konrad St. Albert the Great
9 Tellez; Pablo Our Lady of Charity
9 Tock; Ethan John C. Dore
9 Torres; Salvador St. Bede the Venerable
9 Tubbs; Ja'nae Oakdale Christian Academy
9 Uribe; Tamara St. Richard
9 Vasquez; Ava St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Velasco; Nataly Lindblom Math and Science Academy
9 Verdin; Aaron Our Lady of the Snows
9 Villa; Cloe St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Villanueva; Edgar Liberty Jr High (Burbank)
9 Walbert; Maya Mt. Greenwood
9 Walsh; James St. Linus
9 Williams; Alisha O.W.Huth Middle School
9 Wos; Joseph St. Gerald
9 Zacarias; Zander Wilkins Jr High
9 Zarebczan; Liliana St. Albert the Great
9 Zaukas; Sophia St. Jerome
9 Ziolkowski; Alliyah Mark Twain Elementary
9 Zunich; Nathan St. Daniel the Prophet
10 Aguilera; Sofia Our Lady of the Snows
10 Albor; Maximina St. Nicholas of Tolentine
10 Arenibar; Faith Homer Jr HIgh
10 Arroyo; Luke Mt. Greenwood
10 Avalos; Elias John C. Dore
10 Bartling; Addison St. George
10 Bittner; Ella St. Linus
10 Blum; Marissa St. Daniel the Prophet
10 Bowen; Keely Lasalle Language Academy
10 Cahue; Breanna Mark Twain Elementary
10 Cardona; Christopher St Stanislaus Kostka
10 Centeno; Arie St. Linus
10 Chavez; Ariana Calmeca Academy
10 Chavez; Viviana Cassell Elementary
10 Chin; Olivia Mt. Greenwood
10 Conejo; Benicio Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
10 Cornejo; Emily St. Symphorosa
10 Coyle; Daniel Homer Jr HIgh
10 Czyszczon; Casey Homer Jr HIgh
10 Damian; Camila St. Mary Star of the Sea
10 De La Torre Ramirez; Ma St. Patricia (Hickory Hills)
10 Delgado; Andrew Bridgeport Catholic Academy
10 Diaz; Alana Mt. Greenwood
10 Diaz; Jacob St. Symphorosa
10 DiCaro; Francesca Mt. Greenwood
10 Diesi; Vincenzo St. Alexander
10 Donovan; Daniel Central Middle School (Evergren)
10 Duarte; Alexis Wilkins Jr High
10 Duarte; Jesus Wilkins Jr High
10 Engstrom; Isabella Conrady Jr High
10 Esparza; Tristan St. Walter - St. Benedict
10 Fernandez; America St. John Fisher
10 Fiore; Rocco Mt. Greenwood
10 Flores; Alberto John C. Dore
10 Gallegos; Ailani
10 Garcia; Brisa Acero School - SPC Daniel Zizumbo
10 Garcia; Isabella St. Germaine
10 Garcia; Veronica Michael M. Byrne
10 Garcia; Yaretzy Marquette of excellence
10 Garibay; Yarely Our Lady of the Snows
10 Glover; Ethan Liberty Jr High (New Lenox)
10 Gray; Alyssa Liberty Jr High (Burbank)
10 Guerra; Sophia St. Nicholas of Tolentine
10 Gulzinski; Anne Clissold Elementary
10 Guzman; Olivia St. Christina
10 Harney; Aiden St. Christina
10 Helwig; Joseph Mokena Junior High School
10 Hernandez-Candia; Eduar John H. Kinzie
10 Hernandez; Bianca St. Gall
10 Hernandez; Juan Heritage Middle School
10 Hindman; Elsa Mt. Greenwood
10 Hogan; Cecelia Independence Jr High
10 Houlihan; Amanda John C. Dore
10 Hovanes; Allison Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
10 Hyland; Daniel St. Bede the Venerable
10 Jantz; Grace Mt. Greenwood
10 Jara; Alina St. Agnes of Bohemia
10 Kates; Vanessa
10 Kent; Gianna St. Alexander
10 Killarney; Sienna Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
10 Krutilla; Kyleigh St. Symphorosa
10 Krygier; Thomas St. Joseph
10 Lai; Allison St. Germaine
10 Lara; Aylin Mariano Azuela
10 Lara; Jayden Mark Twain Elementary
10 Lauer; Sean St. Daniel the Prophet
10 Leahy; Daniel Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
10 Les; Cory Summit Hill Jr High
10 Lopez; Soraya St. Symphorosa
10 Lucas; Darla Liberty Jr High (Burbank)
10 Madrigal; Sebastian Liberty Jr High (Burbank)
10 March; Joshua Sahs
10 Marin; Madeline St. Linus
10 Marquez; Julie Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
10 Martinez; Emely Madero Middle School
10 Martinez; Isabella St. Richard
10 McDermott; Jimmy St. Christina
10 Melendez; Jayden Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
10 Misch; Madison Cassell Elementary
10 Morales; Emilio St. Nicholas of Tolentine
10 Moxley; Tiffany St. Gerald
10 Mulligan; Kendel St. Gerald
10 Negrete; Rebecka St. Bruno
10 Nelson; Arianna Christ the King
10 Ocampo; Natalie St. Joseph
10 Ortman; Abigail St. Symphorosa
10 Peat; Isaiah Academy for Global Citizens
10 Perez; Angel George Washington Middle School
10 Perez; Dalilah St. Leonard
10 Peterson; Dominic Bridgeport Catholic Academy
10 Petraitis; Sarah St. Gerald
10 Philip; Joseph St. Catherine
10 Pratscher; Isabella Cassell Elementary
10 Pulido; Iris St. Cletus
10 Raftery; Emma St. Gerald
10 Rake; McKenna Mt. Greenwood
10 Randall; Sienna St. Alexander
10 Reyes; Xiomara St. Therese Chinese
10 Rice; Elle Mt. Greenwood
10 Robles; Yaretzi Our Lady of Charity
10 Rocha; Yahir St. Lenard
10 Rodriguez; Abigail Our Lady of Charity
10 Rodriguez; Allison St. Agnes of Bohemia
10 Rowe; Ella Michael M. Byrne
10 Rubio; Amaiah St. Richard
10 Ruiz; David St. Gerald
10 Rzepka; Dominik St. Albert the Great
10 Sanchez-Calderon; Amand St. Richard
10 Sanchez; Diana Acero - Brighton Park
10 Sekula; Michael St. Michael
10 Serna Vazquez; Jocelyn St. Nicholas of Tolentine
10 Solis; Alfredo St. Nicholas of Tolentine
10 Strzechowski; John Summit Hill Jr High
10 Swain; Steven Mt. Greenwood
10 Synal; Richard St. Albert the Great
10 Tolentino; Marcus Luis St. Albert the Great
10 Tomasik; Dylan John C. Dore
10 Torres Paredes; Mateo St. Mary Star of the Sea
10 Umecker; Carys St. Germaine
10 Vazquez; Orlando Liberty Jr High (Burbank)
10 Vega; Brian St. Procopius
10 Velazquez; Laura Acero-Carlos Fuentes
10 Villanueva; Lucana Southwest Christian
10 Visinaiz; Anthony A. N. Pritzker
10 Wollschlager; Ryan Central Middle School (Tinley)
11 Aguirre; Vincent Dore School
11 Amador; Marissa George Washington Middle School
11 Amedio; Ellie Central Middle School
11 Antolak; Lucas Liberty Jr High School
11 Arroyo; Mia Mt. Greenwood School
11 Ascencio; Isabelle Mark Twain Elementary
11 Atilano; Maya Mark Twain School
11 Banaszak; Andrew Wilkins Jr High School
11 Bernardoni; Cecilia Wilkins Jr High School
11 Birmingham; Kayla Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
11 Brubaker; Isabella Byrne School
11 Castillo; Anthony Queen of the Universe School
11 Cervantes; Brian Liberty Jr High School
11 Chiquito; Jazlyn Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
11 Claussen; Jack Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
11 Cook; Anneka Mt. Greenwood School
11 Cortez; Kevin Freedom Middle School
11 Cox; Ricki St. Nicholas of Tolentine School
11 Crespo; Sophia St. John Fisher
11 D'Anca; Joseph St. Gerald School
11 DeLaTorre; Carlos St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Delgado; Giovanni Lincoln Middle School
11 Escarpita; Martin St. Mary Star of the Sea School
11 Feliciano; Annemarie Peckwas Preparatory Academy
11 Flores; Luis George Washington Middle School
11 Fox; Gianna St. Richard School
11 Franco; Emiliano Old St. Mary's School
11 Galarza; Harli-Isabella St. Albert the Great School
11 Galvin; Reaghan St. Catherine of Alexandria
11 Garibay; Esteban Wilkins Jr High School
11 Gaston; Jake Sutherland School
11 Geary; Benjamin St. Linus School
11 Glenke; Addison St.Catherine of Alexandria
11 Gonzalez; Gerardo Durkin Park Elementary School
11 Gonzalez; Natalia St. Bruno
11 Guerrero; Aadden Gurrie Middle School
11 Gutkowski; Cheyenne St. Catherine of Alexandria
11 Headly; Brea St. Walter School
11 Hernandez; Emily St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Hummer; Allissa Mt. Greenwood School
11 Hummer; Gabriella Mt. Greenwood School
11 Hyland; Timothy St. Bede the Venerable School
11 Jaros; Genevieve St. Christina
11 Jimenez; Victor St. Agnes of Bohemia School
11 Johnson; Zerrick Holy Family Lutheran School
11 Kee; Destin Ward School
11 Krating; Samantha Nathan Hale School
11 Lagunas; Dominic St. Bede the Venerable School
11 Landers; Aoibhe Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
11 Lemon; Zariyah Lindblom Math and Science Academy
11 Levato; Hannah Mt. Greenwood School
11 Lindsey; Caleb Lindblom Math & Science School
11 Magana; Daniel Queen of the Universe School
11 Marino; Connor Old Quarry Middle School
11 Martinez, Jr; Pablo
11 Martinez; Edward St. Bede the Venerable School
11 Martinez; Francisco Mark Twain School
11 Martinez; Kandy Our Lady of Charity School
11 Martinez; Natalie St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Martinez; Ryan St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Mayer; Jorden Cassell School
11 McCarty; William Prairieview School
11 Medina; Jonathan St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Mendoza; Arturo Queen of the Universe School
11 Mendoza; Zoe St. Gerald
11 Meyers; Jake Kinzie School
11 Morales; Araceli St. Agnes of Bohemia School
11 Mulligan; Peter St. Gerald School
11 Murphy; Elizabeth Mt. Greenwood School
11 O'Hara; Katherine Mt. Greenwood School
11 Ocampo; Arianna Acero/ Rufino Tamayo
11 Ocampo; Sebastian Azuela
11 Ogean; Jordan Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
11 Olson; Joe St. Christina School
11 Ortega; Giselle St. Richard School
11 Perez; Jacob St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Pineda; Alesandra Byrne School
11 Redd, Jr; Bryant Kellar Middle School
11 Rice; Alexis St. Walter School
11 Richardson; Kyle Arbor Park Middle School
11 Rocha; Johnny Gurrie Middle School
11 Rodriguez; Viviana Academy for Global Citizens School
11 Salazar; Isaac
11 Salinas; Vincent St. Bruno School
11 Sandoval; Samantha Cassell School
11 Sanfratello; Nicolas St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Seropian; Ella St. Daniel the Prophet
11 Stratton; Bradley
11 Suchecki; Matthew Palos South School
11 Summers; Jillian Mt. Greenwood School
11 Szczesniak; Hanna Mt. Greenwood School
11 Szczesniak; Jenna Queen of Martyrs School
11 Tapia; Aurelio St. John Lutheran School
11 Thompson Jr; Monroe Gary Comer Middle School
11 Torres; Jozef Richardson Middle School
11 Tsapralis; Victoria Wilkins Jr High School
11 Vargas; Deelilah St. Mary Star of the Sea School
11 Vasquez; Daniel St. Daniel the Prophet
11 Vilchis; Fernanda Sophi St. Richard School
11 Villa; Vianne St. Daniel the Prophet
11 Villanueva; Enrique Liberty Jr High School
11 Wanda; Camryn Clissold School
11 Wiatr; Olivia St. John Fisher School
11 Wilbanks; Sara Byrne School
11 Williams; Adam
11 Wisniewski; Jowita St. Joseph School
11 Zdebski; Spencer Dore School
12 Adducci; Samuel St. Alexander School
12 Allison; Clare St. Alexander School
12 Allison; Timothy St. Alexander School
12 Antkiewicz; Alex St. Alexander School
12 Assmus; Nathan Palos South School
12 Barnett; Joseph Lindblom School
12 Bauman; Michael St. Daniel the Prophet
12 Baumgartner; John St. Catherine of Alexander School
12 Bilek; Norman St. Symphorosa School
12 Bonilla; Kasandra AceroOmar Torres Charter School
12 Cagle; Madison St. Daniel the Prophet School
12 Cahue; Eduardo St. Joseph Summit
12 Carrano; Matthew St. Albert the Great School
12 Carrasquillo; Alberto Azula School
12 Cerrentano; Amanda St. Christina School
12 Chavez; Cesar St. Daniel the Prophet
12 Chu; Vincent St. Gerald School
12 Couch; Isabela St. Bede the Venerable School
12 Dardovski; Ali St. Francis Xavior
12 De Alba; Joel St. Leonard School
12 Delaurentis; Alyssa St. Daniel the Prophet School
12 Doorhy; Bailey Most Holy Redeemer School
12 Dragozetich; Gavin Hale School
12 Dunleavy; Luke Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
12 Elliott; Ryan Mt. Greenwood School
12 Engstrom; Connor Conrady Jr High School
12 Esparza; Jonathan Columbia Explorers Academy
12 Farias; Zenaida St. Joseph School
12 Felix; Danny St. Richard
12 Figueroa; Tristan Jane Adams Elementary
12 Fox; Giovanni St. Richard School
12 Fus; Isabella St. Jane de Chantal School
12 Galvan; Andrea Durkin Park Elementary School
12 Garcia; Mia Mt. Greenwood School
12 Garza; Lilliana St. Jane de Chantal School
12 Gaspard; Cassidy Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
12 Guerra; Santino St. Nicholas of Tolentine School
12 Guzman; Isaac St. Procopius School
12 Hahn; Amber St. Jane de Chantal School
12 Harrison; Joey Children of Peace School
12 Henning; Julia St. Catherine of Alexandria School
12 Hernandez; Dahlia Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
12 Holubecki; Sara Mt. Greenwood School
12 Hronopoulos; Hailey St. Daniel the Prophet School
12 Hummer; Genevieve Mt. Greenwood School
12 Jones III; James John F. Kennedy Middle School Plainfield
12 Kappel; Anthony St. Symphorosa
12 Karpiel; Jonathan St. Daniel the Prophet School
12 Kelly; Maya Lasalle Language Academy
12 Kent; Aiden St. Alexander School
12 Kowalewicz; Joseph St. Daniel the Prophet School
12 Leja; John St. Patricia School
12 Les; Evan Summit Hill Jr High
12 Liapkovich; Anastasiya St. Gerald School
12 Marrella; Julie St. Symphorosa School
12 Martin; Kathleen St. Catherine of Alexandra School
12 Martinez; Aaron Epiphany School
12 Martinez; Diego St. Albert the Great School
12 Matariyeh; Hannah Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
12 McGeehan; Jack St. Christina School
12 Medina; Isabella St. Daniel the Prophet School
12 Monahan; Sean St. Daniel the Prophet School
12 Morawski; Vincent Keller School
12 Moreno; Joaquin St. Daniel the Prophet School
12 Munoz; Elizabeth St. Gerald School
12 Munoz; Maximo Jack Hille Middle School
12 Musil; Declan Mt. Greenwood School
12 Oberg; Elizabeth Liberty Jr High School
12 Oswald; Jack Mt. Greenwood School
12 Patino; Elizabeth St. Gall School
12 Perez; Cesar St. Richard School
12 Phillips; Kiera Mount Greenwood
12 Pickett; Joshua John F. Kennedy Middle School Plainfield
12 Ponce De Leon; Gianna Dore School
12 Pournaras; Yano St Theresa (Palatine)
12 Rangel; Gael Nightingale School
12 Rocha; Jorge St. Leonard School
12 Rodriguez; Mia Wilkins
12 Rowell; Jillian Lincoln Middle School
12 Rzeszutko; Roman OLHMS
12 Seyfarth; Gabriella St. Daniel the Prophet School
12 Soukup; Emma St. Daniel the Prophet School
12 Sowa; Matthew South Loop
12 Szymczak; Melanie St. Jane de Chantal School
12 Taubr; Corey Mt Greenwood School
12 Ujda; Sonya Dore Elementary
12 Vaitkeviciute; Ariana Hamlin Upper Grade Center
12 Van Dyke; Kaitlyn Dore School
12 Weyer; Lauren St. Jane de Chantal School
12 White; Nieve Clissold School
12 Ziemba; Tiernan St. Cletus School
"B" Honor Roll
GRADE NAME Grade School
9 Amoh; Jonathan St. Nicholas of Tolentine
9 Baldwin; Maya St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Becker; Timothy St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Brazinsky; Liam St. Catherine
9 Campbell; David Jack Hille
9 Campos; Benjamin St. Symphorosa
9 Cao Romero; Caroline Nathan Hale Elementary
9 Castorena; Matthew St. Odilo
9 Catalan; Leyani Hamlin Upper Grade Center
9 Couch; Lucia St. Bede the Venerable
9 Cundari; Dean Our Lady of Charity
9 Daley; Quinn St. Germaine
9 Davila; Angelo Our Lady of the Snows
9 Deist; Aidan Hickory Creek Middle School
9 Delgado; Brookelyn John C. Dore
9 Doran; Aisling St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Doss; Addison Heritage Middle School
9 Eskra; Jack Gurrie Middle School
9 Felix; Ethan St. Nicholas of Tolentine
9 Figueroa; Maxximus Jane Addams Middle School
9 Fontaine; Grace Central Middle School (Evergren)
9 Garcia; Emma Edward N. Hurley
9 Garcia; Pablo Academy for Global Citizens
9 Garcia; Yasmin Heritage Middle School
9 Garduno; Hailey Mark Twain Elementary
9 Gaughan; Michael St. Symphorosa
9 Geers; Lanie St. Gabriel
9 Godines; Edgar St. Mary Star of the Sea
9 Godoy; Antonio St. Bede the Venerable
9 Goiz; Ariel Michael M. Byrne
9 Gonzalez; Emilly Queen of the Universe
9 Guitron; Abigail Durkin Park Elementary
9 Gutierrez; Aiden Liberty Jr High (Burbank)
9 Guzman; Luis St. Bede the Venerable
9 Guzman; Shai St. Odilo
9 Harrison; Helen St. Albert the Great
9 Hernandez; Malia Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
9 Hernandez; Matheo St. Gerald
9 Hogan; Henry Independance Junior High
9 Holtzclaw; Justin Cassell Elementary
9 Izzo; Zachary St. Daniel the Prophet
9 Jimenez; Gabriel St. Catherine
9 Jimenez; Martin Liberty Jr High (Burbank)
9 Johnson; Damian St. Ann
9 Kammer; Grace St. Alexander
9 Lopez; Mariah Queen of the Universe
9 Lopez; Willliam John C. Dore
9 Malone; Evan Mt. Greenwood
9 Marmolejo; Nathan Our Lady of Charity
9 Martinez; Andrew Mark Twain Elementary
9 Matariyeh; Alayna Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
9 Mays; Zion Mahalia Jackson Elementary School
9 McKeon; Lauren Mt. Greenwood
9 Mendoza; Carlos Michael M. Byrne
9 Misch; Marissa Cassell Elementary
9 Moy; Charlie Mt. Greenwood
9 Nolan; Mia Mark Sheridan
9 Nowak; Abigail St. Catherine
9 O'Donnell; Marissa OLHMS
9 O'Reilly; Kara St. Gerald
9 Oquendo; Kaili Keller Regional Gifted Center
9 Panice; Nathaniel St. Linus
9 Papez; Ashley John H. Kinzie
9 Patino; Natalia Michael M. Byrne
9 Pecina; Decimus Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
9 Petrey; Samantha St. Symphorosa
9 Petuchow; Gabriela Arbor Park Middle School
9 Phillips; Matthew St. Christina
9 Polanco; Michelle St. Gall
9 Quintana; Aiden John H. Kinzie
9 Ray; Ivan St. Bede the Venerable
9 Rice; Kayleigh St. Walter
9 Robles; Nicholas St. Symphorosa
9 Rodriguez Jr; Oscar John C. Dore
9 Rosales; Zavian St. Richard
9 Ryan; Gehrig St. Christina
9 Rychetsky; Mason St. Cletus
9 Salazar; Jesus Forence Nightingale Elementary
9 Sanchez; Isaiah Simmons Middle School
9 Sarabia; Esteban Queen of the Universe
9 Servin; Jessika St. Leonard
9 Snyder; Megan Mt. Greenwood
9 Stevens; Reggie Mark Sheridan
9 Vasquez; Natalia St. Mary Star of the Sea
9 Vertucci; Rocco Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
9 Vilchis; Camila St. Richard
9 Wagner; Caylee Dore
9 Wanda; Kacey Clissold Elementary
9 White; Brea St John Fisher
10 Apostolopoulos; Olivia John H. Kinzie
10 Ayed; Ameer St. Bede the Venerable
10 Bitner; Xavier Simmons Middle School
10 Burzycki; Sara St. Alexander
10 Cahill; Erin St. Leonard
10 Casacchia; Dominic St. Mary Star of the Sea
10 Cervantes; Alyssa John C. Burroughs
10 Champion; Jamaya Queen of Martyrs
10 Chronister; Keira Mt. Greenwood
10 Delgado; Antonio Epiphany
10 Diaz; Hazel Simmons Middle School
10 Diaz; Nicole St. Mary Star of the Sea
10 Donohue; Margaret St. Gerald
10 Espinoza; Andrew John C. Dore
10 Galvan; Daniel Rufino Tamoyo Academy
10 Garcia; Isaac Epiphany
10 Garfias; Aileen St. Odilo
10 Gibbons; Aidan Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
10 Giblin; Brighid St. Mary Mokena
10 Gil; Francisco Nathan Hale Elementary
10 Gutierrez; Marisol St. Nicholas of Tolentine
10 Gutierrez; Noah Grimes Middle School
10 Hoffman; Jason St. Symphorosa
10 Killen; Brian St. Christina
10 Kimball; Baelin John C. Dore
10 Lambros; Julia Cassell Elementary
10 Lopez; Yaretzi Queen of the Universe
10 Lotus; Mickey Liberty Jr High (New Lenox)
10 Luevano; Angelina St. Mary Star of the Sea
10 Luna; Adrian John F. Kennedy High School
10 Mandra; Nicholas Divine Providence
10 Manning; Henry St. John Fisher
10 Marquez; Hector Grimes Elementary
10 McHugh; Kameron St. Symphorosa
10 Melody; Clare Virgil I. Grissom Middle School
10 Meza; Jazlene
10 Mobley; Gabriel
10 Montano; Sara George Washington Middle School
10 Mosher; Carter Aux Sable Middle School
10 Munoz; Alexa St. Mary Star of the Sea
10 Nava; Emilio George Washington Middle School
10 O'brien; John St. Christina
10 Orozco; Abigail St. Nicholas of Tolentine
10 Pater; Richard St. Symphorosa
10 Perez; Emilio St. Symphorosa
10 Petrosky; Lilyana Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
10 Placzek; Cody Mt. Greenwood
10 Popp; Sean St. Alexander
10 Ptaszkowski; Joseph St. Symphorosa
10 Quaintance; Devin St. Walter
10 Regep; Isabella St. Linus
10 Reyes; Jacob John H. Kinzie
10 Rivera; Natalie St. Bruno
10 Roche; Rachel St. John Fisher
10 Rochowicz; Gracie Michael M. Byrne
10 Rodriguez; Christian Unity Jr High
10 Rodriguez; Itzel St. Agnes of Bohemia
10 Ruiz; Natalia Skinner West
10 Ryan; Kelly St. Christina
10 Sanchez; Ethan Our Lady of the Snows
10 Serrano; Jayden Our Lady of the Snows
10 Siwinski; Maximus St. Nicholas of Tolentine
10 Soto; Brandon John C. Dore
10 Teska; Thomas George Washington Middle School
10 Topel; Evan Liberty Jr High (Burbank)
10 Valdivia; Gabriel STEM Magnet Acádemy
10 Vaughn; Joel John H. Kinzie
10 Vazquez; Lizabeth Our Lady of the Snows
10 Vertucci; James Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
10 Villa; Nina St. Daniel the Prophet
10 Zahradnicek; Julia St. Patricia
10 Zalinski; Maciej John C. Dore
10 Zepeda; Alexander
10 Zurita; Ayden Our Lady of the Snows
11 Abawi; Grace Kinzie School
11 Aguilera; Estrella PFC Omar E. Torres Elementary
11 Arellano; Angelo Our Lady of the Snows School
11 Arredondo; Alia Our Lady of Tepeyac School
11 Bagley; Collin St. Mary Mokena
11 Bermudez; Aileen St.Daniel the Prophet
11 Brazinsky; Grace St. Catherine of Alexandria
11 Bylina; Jacob Wilkins Jr high
11 Calderon; Liam St. Therese Chinese Catholic School
11 Campbell; Jonathan St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Carroll; Brendan St. Alexander School
11 Carvallo; Xavier St. Mary Star of the Sea
11 Centeno; Arysa PFC Omar E. Torres Elementary,
11 Chamberlain; Jace Arbor Park Middle School
11 Chinchillas; Maria St. Richard School
11 Coleman; Gary BettyShabazz International
11 Cruz; Dominic St. Patricia School
11 Diaz; Brianna St. Bede the Venerable School
11 Donohue; Natalie St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Donovan; Madison Central Middle School Evergreen Park
11 Elias; Angelina Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy
11 Esparza; Julian Kerr Middle School
11 Fernandez; Mason St. Gerald School
11 Fiore; Ava Mt. Greenwood School
11 Flores; Noelia St. Mary Star of the Sea
11 Franqui; Nayeli Our Lady of Tepeyac School
11 Garcia; Julian Epiphany Catholic School
11 Gaughan; Matthew Sutherland Elementary
11 Godinez; Salvador Pope John Paul 11 School
11 Goldstein; Hayden St Richard
11 Graber; Claire Mt. Greenwood Elementary school
11 Hamilton; Abigail St. Gerald School
11 Hernandez; Irvin
11 Hernandez; Isabella St. Christina School
11 Hernandez; Jose St. Gall School
11 Holtzclaw; Julius Cassell School
11 Jones; Khalil Granger Middle School
11 Jones; Veronica St. Bede the Venerable School
11 Juarez; Leah Mark Twain School
11 Kurylowicz; Angelina St. Cajetan School
11 Landeros; Elijah Unity Jr High School
11 LeFils; Sam St. Catherine of Alexandria
11 Martinez; Julio Cesar St. Agnes of Bohemia School
11 Martinez; Nathan Freedom Middle School
11 McCormick; Matthew St. Gerald School
11 McDonald; Lavinia Learn Hunter Perkins
11 McFarlane; Megan Mt. Greenwood School
11 McNamara; Maeve St. Barnabas School
11 Metcalf; Tylan Clissold School
11 Morelli; Chloe St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Negrete; Nicholas St. Agnes of Bohemia School
11 Nowacki; Ava Southwest Christian
11 Ortega; Jaqueline Lindblom Math and Science Academy
11 Ovalle; Jacklyn Our Lady of Tepeyac School
11 Palenik; Antonia Dore School
11 Peavy; Saniya St.Thomas The Apostle High Park
11 Pedraza; Mia Academy for Global Citizenship
11 Petty; Quaylen Wilkins Jr High School
11 Ramirez; Mia St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Rivera; Abigail ACERO
11 Rizzs; Harley Arbor Park Middle School
11 Rodriguez; Alyssa St. Daniel the Prophet School
11 Rosas; Noah St. Albert the Great
11 Ruacho; Mya St. Gall School
11 Ryan; Turner St. Christina School
11 Sanchez; Amanda St. Bede the Venerable School
11 Sanchez; Ricardo Lincoln Middle School
11 Sarno; Salvatore Nathan Hale School
11 Schorle; Annmarie Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School
11 Spano; Joey St. Michael School
11 Sweeney; Ryann Mount Greenwood School
11 Tolbert; Derrick St. Bede the Venerable School
11 Velazquez; Sofia St. Bede the Venerable School
11 Wayteck; Eva St. Cletus School
11 Wojciechowski; Kaila Liberty
12 Aguilar; Graciela Dore School
12 Alvarez; Alexis St. Richard School
12 Arroyo; Isabelle Byrne School
12 Ball; Aaron Ryder School
12 Battung; Joseph St. Gerald School
12 Bell; Jeanell Morgan Park Academy
12 Bolan; Julia Mt. Greenwood School
12 Borum; Erin St. Bede the Venerable
12 Brodnick; Isabella St. Albert the Great School
12 Burke; Norah St. John Fisher School
12 Callaghan; Liam St. John Fisher School
12 Carey; Jovonne St. Bede the Venerable School
12 Chavez-Negron; Isabella St. Procopius
12 Chavez; Jadie Our Lady of the Snows School
12 Cozzone; Anthony St. Mary School
12 D'Amico; Andrew Oak Lawn Hometown School
12 Dorris; Abigal Mt. Greenwood School
12 Enoch; Vincent
12 Flores; Jacob Prairie View Middle School
12 Flores; Jianna Hale School
12 Fontaine; Ryan Central Middle School
12 Gade; Kera St. Alexander
12 Gallegos; Naiara
12 Galvin; Alexandra Mt. Greenwood School
12 Garcia; Jorge LaSalle II School
12 Garcia; Lorenz Our Lady of Charity School
12 Garcia; Saul St. Joseph School
12 Godines; Itzel Epiphany School
12 Gomez; Juan Stevenson Middle School
12 Guzman; Noel St. Ann School
12 Hernandez; Madison Galileo Academy of Math & Science
12 Herrera; Clark St. Bede the Venerable School
12 Jackson; Gabriel
12 Koch; Sophia St. Symphorosa School
12 Lopez; Anahi St. Richard School
12 Lugo; Diego St. Bede the Venerable School
12 Lugo; Lesly
12 Luna; Samantha St. Bede the Venerable School
12 Marin; Brenda Stevenson Middle School
12 Matthis; Robert St. Daniel the Prophet
12 May; Jamie Cassell School
12 McCormick; Christopher St. Gerald School
12 McGuire; Nick St. Bararbas
12 McHugh; Kaden St. Symphorosa School
12 McKeon; Dylan Mt. Greenwood School
12 Morales; Sebastian
12 Mosher; Kannen Sabu Middle School
12 Moxley; George St. Gerald School
12 Murillo; Ariana Walsh School
12 Nava; Andrea St. Gerald School
12 New; Michael St. Gerald School
12 Ochoa; Jose St. Daniel the Prophet
12 Oswald; Joe Mt. Greenwood School
12 Pater; Danny Mt. Greenwood School
12 Pena; Brian Queen of the Universe School
12 Perez; Andrea St. Gall School
12 Perez; Angel St. Mary Star of the Sea
12 Perez; Eduardo Acero Torres School
12 Quinonez; Ruben Lee School
12 Roach; Cole Wilkins
12 Rodriguez; Joehl St. Albert the Great School
12 Rosales; Atlani St. Richard School
12 Ryan; Nolan St. Christina School
12 Salinas; Daniela St. Richard School
12 Santos; Itzel St. Agnes of Bohemia School
12 Scumaci; Jenna Byrne School
12 Seddon; Ryan Liberty Jr High School (New Lenox)
12 Sloan; James Jerling Jr High School
12 Smith; Kayln St. Bede the Venerable School
12 Solis; Eileen Stevenson School
12 Synal; Summer St. Albert the Great School
12 Torres; Natalie St. Bede the Venerable School
12 Tuttle; James St. Germaine School
12 Valdez; Julian Divine Providence
12 Valero; Caitlyn Dore School
12 Widel; Leela Simmons Middle School
12 Williams; Quinton
12 Young; Anya Mt. Greenwood Elementary school
12 Zubrzycki; Noah Hille Middle School